Repair and
Wind Blade Maintenance

Servicio de limpieza, reparación y revisión técnica de Palas en suelo y altura

Who we are

Passionate and committed

DDC Sanabria, con 15 años en la industria de energía renovable, lidera la reparación y mantenimiento de palas eólicas a nivel nacional. Nuestra pasión por la innovación nos mantiene actualizados con las técnicas más modernas, respaldadas por la mejor formación para nuestro equipo. Nuestro compromiso con la calidad impulsa cada proyecto que abordamos, asegurando la excelencia en cada pala eólica que tocamos.

Mirando hacia el futuro, seguimos siendo pioneros en el sector, impulsando la sostenibilidad a medida que avanzamos con la tecnología. DDC Sanabria es más que una empresa; somos una fuerza dedicada a un mañana más limpio y brillante, uniendo el viento y la energía en una visión compartida de progreso sostenible.

+34 675 864 522


Blade repair

Just as a solid electromechanical installation is crucial for the optimal performance of wind turbines, at DDC Sanabria we consider the vitality of these structures and preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance to be essential to extend their durability and ensure high levels of production.

Inspection and repair of blades at height and on the ground

We guarantee the integrity and efficiency of wind turbine blades through inspection and repair at heights and on the ground.


Repairs and reinforcements of both structural and aesthetic damage, as well as the installation of interior and exterior improvements or retrofits. Cleaning and installation or replacement of logos.

Third party quality audits

Comprehensive technical review of the internal evaluation system. Detailed review of the internal evaluation system, assessment and focus on its functioning and performance.

Mould making

We create moulds with precision and advanced technology, with exceptional quality and impeccable detail.


Looking to the future

In every step we take, we maintain a firm focus on the quality of the service we provide. The trust our customers have placed in us over the years is invaluable, and we repay it with an unwavering commitment to excellence. Every wind blade we repair and maintain is a testament to our dedication to quality and efficiency.

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